Part 28
Camel Pimp posted:
Pictured: Flora asking the same question I did when I read this in Ubisoft's translated script.
Camel Pimp posted:
Okay, so probably a lot of you are thinking "where the fuck did this come from?" and I was too. (No, none of this is in a prior Lunar game.) Turns out, a giant was mentioned by the citizens of Perit earlier.
The citizens in Perit referencing in it suggests cut content or the ability to reach this place earlier and get this dump of lore but that's not the case. Like Camel said, if you come here earlier you get different dialog. So, just so you know, it was always like this. In the storyboard I've got here and even in phone calls and emails with the guys working on this game, this is exactly how it was presented. I emphasize this: NOTHING WAS CUT OUT OF THE GAME ABOUT THIS. This is not the case of something being removed and scraps escaping editing. This was the way it was presented in the storyboard, whole stop. Just this. One of the fans actually asked about it in a conference call we were all in.
The convo as I remember it:
"What's Delrich Temple?" asks the fan.
"What?" is the Ubi reply.
"What's Delrich Temple? Here in the script Gabi mentions it like it's something that's been brought up dozens of times but it's only mentioned this once, I looked." says the fan.
"We'll get back to you on that..." was the Ubi reply.
Spoilers, they never did.
Additionally, I love how Kei Shigema got all pissy about the implications that Althena was a petty child who just tossed people she disliked into the Frontier willy nilly (in this case while they were obviously bad guys she tricked and deceived them) but then this. It's glorious.
Camel Pimp posted:
Yeah... Nothing's happening! No entrance to the White Dragon Cave, no monsters, and no White Dragon. All that build up for nothing!
Oh look, Dragon Song made an attempt to explain how the dragons came back in EB even if it's a terrible, poorly explained, hand wavy thing so that's a point in it's favor? Except that got retconned with SSSC to EBC and has been better articulated by fans (in the actual consulting group to developers even!) so...

Camel Pimp posted:
"I'm going to prove that I'm better than the bad guy by resorting to violence!"
Also, kinda great how Ghaleon going around murdering all the dragons in TSS/Enslaving all the dragons in SSSC is wholescale evil but Jian doing it in Dragon Song is ~*heroic*~.
Camel Pimp posted:

...I didn't believe they actually used my lines...the friend was right...

I... I need to lay down.